export of mangoes from pakistan

Anwar Ratol Mangoes Are Unbeatable— Get Your Fix Here

We already know the love Pakistanis have for mangoes. It’s overpowering, it’s maddening and most importantly, it’s a forever kind of thing. However, this love is also specially directed towards certain kinds of mangoes that are simply sinful. Sinful because of how good they are. You might already have guessed it but yes, we’re speaking about Anwar Ratol mangoes. They are the king of mangoes and rightly so. So what is it about the king of the king of fruits? Let’s find out and also how you can get them at your doorstep.

mangoes in pakistan

What About Anwar Ratol Mangoes?

If you love something you should know about its origin, its stories, and its specialties. Imagine someone comes up to you and asks why is Anwar Ratol your favorite type of mangoes and you’re spellbound? It’s not a good look on anyone. Anwar Ratol’s name is a myth. The legend goes that a man named ‘Anwar-ul-Haq’ first planted and cultivated this type of mangoes in the Ratol area in UP, India. Since then, a variation was brought to Punjab and started being cultivated. Hence, the name ‘Anwar Ratol’.

What makes them special? Well, that’s easy. Anwar Ratol mangoes are the most fragrant, sweetest and fiberless of all the mangoes. That’s why they’re the king of mangoes, they have all the best qualities in abundance. They’re also called the mini powerhouse mangoes because of their qualities.

Why You Need To Keep Getting Them

Any true mango lover would know that these types of mangoes are the best ones. However, here’s the downside, they have their own season. They’re not available throughout the summer season. And what’s more, it’s not easy to find export quality mangoes in Karachi or other cities easily! Most stalls have either unripe or too ripe mangoes. You have to enjoy Anwar Ratol mangoes the right way.

If you keep sleeping on that or keep delaying finding the right Anwar Ratol mangoes, you might simply miss out on them. Stressed now? Don’t be, we have a solution for you.

export quality mangoes

Anwar Ratol At Your Doorstep

We understand your stress and your worries which is why we’ve built ourselves to serve you and your needs. Licious mangoes work around the clock to cultivate the best quality of the king of fruits. You’re looking at the ultimate export quality of mangoes. The export of mangoes from Pakistan begins from places like ours where we pride ourselves in bringing you 100% organic mangoes straight from Multan.

You do not have to worry about finding the perfectly ripe and sinfully delicious Anwar Ratol mangoes. All you have to do is visit your customer-friendly site, select ‘Anwar Ratol’ and the size of the peti you want and we’ll have it delivered to your doorstep. Gone are the days when you had to keep waiting or searching for the best of the mangoes. We’re here to fill the distance between you and your king of mangoes.

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