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This Is How You Can Have The Best Multani Mangoes All The Time

export quality mangoes

Pakistanis as a nation have mastered the art of developing interesting coping mechanisms to deal with situations. Now, we all know that the heat levels in Pakistan right now are currently moving to literal melting points for humans. However, if you see Pakistanis in the evening, after any meal or at any gathering eating mangoes, you’ll never be able to tell they’re worried about the heat.

In fact, I’ve heard my grandmother, in her late 70s, say “bhai jitni bhi garmi honi hai hojaye agar aise aam khaane ko mileinge”. Can you guess what she was eating? You’re probably right, she was inhaling multani mangoes. Such is the power of mangoes in Pakistan— we can fight anything and anyone for them. But not all love stories are so happy. Often we go out to find mangoes and come back disappointed with the taste. Nowadays, mangoes also come loaded with chemicals. But this is your chance to change your life and enjoy Multani mangoes all the time.

export quality mangoes

What Is It About Multani Mangoes?

The love for mangoes in Pakistan is not exclusive. Every type of mangoes peti is welcome. However, there is something especially addictive about Multani mangoes and if you don’t know why, you’re missing out.

Multani mangoes are special because Multan is the main producer of export-quality mangoes in Pakistan. In fact, it is called the ‘Mango City’ of Pakistan. The quality of the ‘king of fruits’ aka mangoes found in Multan is also distinctive; they are bigger, more vibrant, smell heavenly and also taste extraordinary. This is why ‘Multani mangoes’ is a whole other world and have a cult following. Multan alone has 30% of cultivated land for mangoes in all of Punjab which is why its mangoes are of the ultimate export quality. If you have family abroad enjoying Pakistani mangoes, know that there’s a huge chance they will be multani mangoes. The most famous and widely enjoyed types of mangoes Anwar Ratol, Chaunsa, Dusehri and many others.

Making Mangoes Accessible

Now let’s be real, gone are the old days when fruit stalls used to be everywhere and also accessible. Nowadays, due to the unbearable heat in the mornings, it is also hard to find mangoes nearby. Plus, if you have a taste for the special Multani mangoes then it can be especially tricky to find those particularly. Due to the current petrol prices, it can also be hard to keep driving around to find the best mangoes. Even then, there is no guarantee the mangoes are farm fresh and carbide free. So what is the solution? There’s a simple answer: it’s Licious Mangoes!

mangoes in pakistan

Where We Come In

We, Licious Mangoes have been in the business for years. We not only produce farm-fresh Multani mangoes but also package them and distribute them all over Pakistani. We understand that Pakistanis can not stand distance between themselves and their precious mangoes peti. We’re removing those distances! You don’t have to scamper all over your area for export quality mangoes now because we have got you covered the modern way.

Simply open the site, order online based on your choice of quantity (the more the better always) and you’ll have Multani mangoes at your doorstep. And no, this isn’t a dream! It’s 2022, what do you expect? You can choose from Chaunsa, Dusehri, Anwar Ratol and Sindhri mangoes. We offer premium packaging and a choice between 5 and 8KG packs. Plus, the site has been optimized to give you a smooth, easy and convenient experience. Ordering mangoes, the best kind of them, has never been easier. Don’t wait on it, they might go out of stock!